D5190 23-24 Outbound RYE Students
Wishing all of the outbound students bon voyage. We hope they have fun and enjoy the adventure. 
This is a great program opportunity to check in with your club's sponsored student throughout their journey and especially when they return.
Safe travels!!
Two Fun Facts About the Four-Way Test:
A Vocational Service Gem

Was the Four-Way Test divinely inspired?  Has it ever been used to decide a court case? The answers may surprise you.  Here are two fun facts you may not know about the Four-Way Test.  

Rotary is not a religious organization and its famous Four-Way Test is nonsectarian in nature.  But the test’s creator, Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI President), was himself a man of faith who stated that the test came to him after he prayed: 

“I leaned over my desk, rested my head in my hands and prayed.  After a few moments, I looked up and reached for a white paper card.  Then I wrote down the twenty-four words that had come to me: 1. Is it the truth? 2.  Is it fair to all concerned?  3. Will it build good will and better friendships?   4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  I called it The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do.”

In 1932, Taylor presented his Four-Way Test to the board of the Club Aluminum Products distribution company, which was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, as part of his recovery plan for the company.  It was intended as “a simple, easily remembered guide to right conduct – a sort of ethical yardstick – which all of us in the company could memorize and apply to what we thought, said, and did.”  The company’s board (whose members were religiously diverse) adopted the test and the company did in fact recover.   Taylor gave Rotary the right to use the test in the 1940s and the copyright in 1954.  It is now a central part of the permanent Rotary structure around the world and used by Rotarians – and non-Rotarians – to encourage ethical behavior.

Non-Rotarians who use the Four-Way Test include the judicial system of the Republic of Ghana, which purportedly displays the test on billboards in its court premises.  It is also displayed along major thoroughfares and other in public places in the Philippines, and in 2015 that country’s then Secretary of Justice (Leila de Lima) gave a speech entitled “Applying Rotary’s Four-Way test on the Philippine Justice System.”  Thus, it seems entirely possible that a judge or member of a jury may have applied the test in deciding an aspect of a case, either consciously or unconsciously.

When we as Rotarians practice The Four-Way Test in our business and personal relationships, we are in fact engaged in a form of vocational service, which has always emphasized and promoted ethical standards and conduct through the Four-Way Test and the second Object of Rotary.  So whether you realize it or not, you may already be performing vocational service in your community every day simply by remembering and following the Four-Way Test.
 Rotary Rafters Eliminating Polio Raft Trip
    North Fork of the American River (Class 3)
                Saturday August 26th 2023

Don’t miss out on the 2023’s epic snowpack runoff season.  Again, this year after a COVID hiatus, the Rotary rafting trip is with the commercial rafting company H2O Rafting Guides.  Tyler Soule is the owner operator and our host. Being “Born” into a rafting family, Tyler has been rafting all his life and is one of the most recognized “Big Water” Class 5 guides in the industry. All his guides share his rafting passion and are extremely competent and a joy to be with too.  We’re running the North Fork American River, and for any changes and additional trip details, please contact Bob Santin directly (see contact info below).
The $130 cost PP will cover all our expenses and $50 PP will be donated to Rotary’s Polio Plus campaign to eliminate polio from our Earth. The Bill Gates Foundation will double match this amount making it a valued donation unsurpassed anywhere.        
See Bob Santin from the Rotary Club of Auburn if you have any questions at bobsantincolfax@gmail.com, 530-906-7524 cell, or would just like to sign up for this fun day of Rotarian Fellowship and Polio Plus Benefit. Further detailed raft trip information will be sent out to applicants prior to our launch date.
Sign-ups and prepayment due by August 7th via check, cash, or VENMO (@Bob-Santin).
Active Links for Scheduling and Joining the Team:
Click here to schedule a session.
Click here to get more information about being a facilitator.
Growing Our Clubs
The most important challenge for Rotary Clubs is to strengthen our ability to attract new members and develop them into active Rotarians. 

It takes effort and energy to convince a potential member that becoming a Rotarian is worth their investment of time and resources. As engaged Rotarians, we should show them how to make the world a better place. 

How it begins - seek out and recruit potential members who are successful in their professional and personal lives and have a diversity of experience, interests, and ideas on how to accomplish meaningful change through Rotary Service.

This is not just the job of the club membership committee. Every club member should be involved and understand how they can help recruit new members. The club president and the membership committee should create a club culture where every member thinks about looking for quality prospective members in the community to recruit. 

To read the full article and get these great tips, click here.
-Patrick Ward, District 5190 Membership Committee

Feeling left out because you don't have one of the cool shirts with the 23-24 District theme?
Well, you're in luck because you can order your very own Rotary from the Heart shirt here!
Rotary Clubs Join Forces to
Help Middle School Students

The Rotary Club of Tahoe-Incline and the Rotary Club of Incline Village frequently work together on District Grants to support projects in Incline Village. Our most recent collaboration, the completion of the Incline Middle School Literacy and Improvement Project, demonstrates the value of a multi-club approach.  It also illustrates how responsive the District Grant process can when events necessitate a major redesign to achieve the project goal.  

Initially, both the Rotary Club of Tahoe-Incline and the Rotary Club of Incline Village had teamed up to apply for a District 5190 grant to refurbish the Incline Middle School (IMS) library through the purchase of furniture.  Unfortunately, two-thirds of the way through the process, the Washoe County School District announced the possible consolidation of Incline schools, and potential closure of IMS – thus rendering a library refurbishment risky.
Our Rotary Clubs quickly reached out to District 5190 to seek a project re-design, pivoting away from fixed assets to an investment in literacy...to read the full article, click here.
Contact for tickets and info:
Lynda Boody
President eClub
Mountain Time Zone
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