Leadership Learning Assembly
Learning Opportunities for Your 2021-2022 Rotary Boat Cruise
Welcome to District 5190’s latest (2021) On-Line Leadership Learning Assembly! The purpose of the Leadership Learning Assembly (LLA) is to prepare our club leaders, board, and all our club members – new or seasoned - for the 2021-202 Rotary Boat Cruise ahead! It is sure to be exciting! This year’s theme "Serve To Change Lives" challenges us adapt to a changed and changing environment and affirms continuous learning and continuous improvement as the way to stay on top of the wave of change around us. This virtual program is self-paced and requires self-motivation. You can choose the modules you want to take!
3-Fold Purpose
- To prepare next year’s club officers and board chairs the how-to basics of their positions;
- To inform and inspire all club members about various aspects of Rotary; and
- To share next year’s theme, direction, and goals for Rotary International and District 5190.
The curriculum incorporates a variety of self-paced modules from the Rotary Learning Center, webinars created for President Elect Training that have value for all leaders within our clubs, and videos created by our own District leadership team. Additionally, we are scheduling online gatherings throughout the year where you can dialogue and brainstorm learnings and ideas from each of the learning modules.
The continuum …
In the spirit of continuous learning and improvement, what is included in the curriculum is the beginning. We will be working with District and Club leaders throughout the year to design and deliver additional modules, and/or refine existing ones.
How to get the most from Leadership Learning
View Welcome to Leadership Learning. Recommendations: Close other applications on your device. Mute yourself when not speaking during a live webinar or Zoom call. Silence or set your cell phone to vibrate to lessen distractions for other participants. Use earbuds or a headset with microphone to give you a better listening experience. Log in to myrotary.org (with email/password) in a separate tab on your browser prior to “clicking” on any of the Learning Center courses. Take it at a pace that’s right for you.