Leadership Learning Assembly - Port of Call #10
Port of Call 10 – International Service
Before You Start Out On Your Rotary LLA Boat Cruise
When you link to a Learning Center offering, if you are not logged into the Rotary Learning Center, you will be prompted to login and will then be taken to a Rotary Learning Center Catalogue page. The easiest way to find the module you want is to go back to the District 5190 Leadership Learning page and re-click the link for your training program. Step 1: Login to your MyRotary.org account and Rotary Learning Center Step 2: From District 5190 Leadership Learning page, click (or re-click) the training link you want. |
International Service - Opportunities for Worldwide Partnering
In Rotary, clubs have many ways to engage in International Service. Connecting across borders provides opportunities to partner with other clubs, create sustainable change, develop friendships and cross cultural awareness, even without a grant. For your club’s larger international projects, get clear on how global and district grants work.
Ramona Delmas and Carolyn Feuille will be presenting and answering your questions. (This session is scheduled for one hour but will continue if conversation and questions need more time)