Leadership Learning Assembly - Port of Call #8
Port of Call 8 – Youth Service
Before You Start Out On Your Rotary LLA Boat Cruise
When you link to a Learning Center offering, if you are not logged into the Rotary Learning Center, you will be prompted to login and will then be taken to a Rotary Learning Center Catalogue page. The easiest way to find the module you want is to go back to the District 5190 Leadership Learning page and re-click the link for your training program. Step 1: Login to your MyRotary.org account and Rotary Learning Center Step 2: From District 5190 Leadership Learning page, click (or re-click) the training link you want. |
Youth Services Webinar
Host: PDG Tina Spencer-Mulhern - Date: Recorded May 8, 2021
Rotary Youth Leadership Awareness
Considered one of the outstanding youth programs in Rotary, our comprehensive, volunteer staff makes RYLA a highlight of each participant’s educational experience.
View Camp-Ryla here…
Protecting Youth Program Participants 1 course (Learning Center Duration 30m guides)
RI President 2020-21 Holger Knaack opens the course in a video on the shared responsibility to protect and foster safe environments for our youth. This module explains your responsibility to protect young people, how Rotary defines abuse and harassment — especially involving youths — and how we handle reports that it has occurred.
Successful completion of online Youth Protection Training is required of all Rotarians working with youth participants (see exceptions under Applicability, Club and District Policy, Section 6). Training will be done via the online NAYEN (North American Youth Exchange Network) and is accessed by requesting a link from the District Youth Protection Training Officer. This training must be repeated once every three years.