Youth Programs

Each Rotary Club has its own youth programs. Many have Speech and/or Music Contests, Scholarship Programs, Reading Programs, and other programs. Please contact your local club to see what programs they have for your local youth.
Here are a couple of programs the District provides in cooperation with local clubs:
- REGL - Rotary Eighth Grade Leadership Program - a special youth leadership program for selected 8th-grade students. Attendance is by scholarship only; students are selected by their principals. All costs are covered by sponsoring Rotary Clubs.
- RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awakening - RYLA is an intense and incredibly challenging program, sponsored by Northern California and Northern Nevada Rotary Clubs. This program has been designed to engender passion, resilience, determination, mental toughness, gratitude, and compassion. In addition, the program will instill in the participants the value of Service above Self, a core Rotary belief.
- RYE - Rotary Youth Exchange - Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to meet people from other lands to experience other cultures. This plants the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding.
- Annual Speech Contest
- Annual Music Contest

Interact Clubs - bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.